Booking fee and cancellation policy

Skindepth Perth requires a deposit to confirm bookings. 

It is our policy to secure cosmetic and skin treatment appointments with either a $70 deposit or your credit card details.

If a client cancels or reschedule before 48 hours, this fee is stored on their account as a credit which can then be used at their next appointment or refunded upon request. Credit cards will not be charged

If a client cancels within the 48-hour period, the deposit will be forfeited, or credit card will be charged with the booking fee.

In the case of pre-paid treatments/packages, the full treatment will be forfeited from package.

This policy helps our team be available for your best possible appointment times when booking and ensures enough time for us to fill gaps in our calendar with last-minute requests!

By booking an appointment with us you are agreeing to the above terms & conditions.

As always, we appreciate you, our loyal clients. See you in clinic soon

All policies & pricing are subject to change.