Enhance Your Natural Features With Volumising Filler

dermal lip fillers with TGA approved Hyaluronic Acid in a Perth clinic

The treatment

Volumising fillers are used to reduce the appearance of wrinkles and accentuate your natural features, including your cheeks, chin or lips.

  • Restore facial volume & reverse signs of ageing

  • Enhance your lips, cheeks, under-eye & other areas

  • Reduce the appearance of fine lines & wrinkles

  • Long-lasting & almost immediate results

Dermal lip fillers in Perth

The details

Made up of a sugar based gel solution, we can deliver volumising fillers to areas that need lift and support.

Less is more. Small consistent treatments over a period of time yields the best, natural results and will make you appear more youthful without the over done look.

Treatment duration: 45mins

Downtime: 2 - 5 days

Results: Instant


  • 1ml Skindepth lips (medium thick volumising filler): from $500

  • 1ml thick volumising filler: $700

  • 2ml thick volumising filler: $1200

Duration of effectiveness: Up to 12 months or more

Regular assessments required (every 3-6 months)
Note: This treatment cannot be done while pregnant.

Tear Troughs
Volumising fillers in the tear trough region can help reduce the appearance of fatigue and help with dark under-eye circles and deliver a more youthful and fresh appearance. There are 3 regions to the tear trough - and a thorough assessment can determine whether a client has a ‘true’ tear trough condition, or whether they simply need some cheek support with filler. Often the combination of tear trough and cheek filler can address the entire tear trough region effectively.


It is said that your lips are at its fullest at age 16 and slowly decrease in size over time. Treating the area with volumising filler can add hydration and lift back to the lips. Our lip filler can be applied while receiving local anaesthesia, making the treatment relatively painless. Lip enhancement need several assessment and treatments to achieve a balance and proportionate result - no trout pouts or filler moustaches in this clinic

As we become older, our faces droop, and one of the first signs is a loss of the cheek volume. A full and oval cheek can gives the face a youthful appearance. Carefully placed filler can support the cheek area without making it look heavy or full, whilst also reflecting the light at certain angles can makes skin look radiant, healthy and the ‘makeup-less makeup look’

An aesthetically pleasing face is balanced in shape and volume. As we get older, facial volume and projection is decreased, leaving the front profile looking flat and heavy. Heaviness in the lower face can increase deep creases in and around the the chin, nasolabial fold (nasal folds) and jowls. Strengthening the jawline through the chin, jaw and marionettes with filler can redefine the lost jawline, giving a sharper more chiseled look.

Nasal Folds
The crease between the corner of nose is known as the nasolabial fold. It is one of the areas of the face that is most frequently enquired about in our clients. The line develops as a result of an ageing cheek, nose and jawline. Gone are the days of just treating the line, and treatment now involves a combination of filler to the cheek and deep nasal groove ligaments. This combination leave the face looking most lifted, and less heavy.

A chin that is in balance with the nose and lips can deliver a beautiful profile of the face. Some people can lack support to this area with either an over or under development of the lower jaw (mandible). Volumising fillers can enhance the face's profile and provide an overall more appealing and balanced look.

Due to their constant exposure to the outdoors, the backs of the hands can age significantly. When it comes to applying sunscreen every day, it is also the area that is overlooked. The back of the hands can be easily rejuvenated using volumising fillers, which also help to lessen the prominence of veins and boney looking hands.